HRM WordPress Theme (frontend based)

I have developed a custom HRM WordPress theme from scratch. I wanted to try a complete frontend-based architecture system on WordPress by using custom bootstrap forms with custom WP MySQL tables with the help of $wpdb object. I have used different kinds of form layouts and tried to submit forms using ajax.

What I have learned
  • Using bootstrap forms in frontend to submit and save data on custom MySQL table.
  • Toastr alert notification system.
  • WP Nonce.
  • WP Transient, “set_transient()” and “get_transient()”.
  • Custom login page and auth
  • Creating pages automatically with its shortcodes upon activating the theme with Post States.
  • Setting the home page automatically upon activating the theme.
  • Applying ajax in the frontend.
  • jQuery datatable.
  • Custom $wpdb query.
  • Server side validation.
  • OOP structure followed.
  • Kirki customizer framework implementation.
  • And many more.

Note: I can share the source code (github repository) upon request.