I’ve heard about Fabric js and wanted to try it myself. Therefore I made a side project to design canvas with multiple tools and export it in PDF format. This project is not fully completed. I had to stop working on this project. But in future, I will make it fully work with the SaaS module.
I built this custom digital marketplace wordpress theme using woocommerce and gutenberg blocks. This is a fully custom theme made from HTML template. I did not use any other plugin to make the site load faster.
What I have learned
I’ve learned a lot of things about WooCommerce plugin.
Extending woocommerce metabox fields.
Making custom multiple select field. In default woocommerce plugin, there is no such multiple-select field option.
Using different kinds of hooks and filters.
Adding sales count based on order with status ‘completed’.
I have developed a custom HRM WordPress theme from scratch. I wanted to try a complete frontend-based architecture system on WordPress by using custom bootstrap forms with custom WP MySQL tables with the help of $wpdb object. I have used different kinds of form layouts and tried to submit forms using ajax.
What I have learned
Using bootstrap forms in frontend to submit and save data on custom MySQL table.
Toastr alert notification system.
WP Nonce.
WP Transient, “set_transient()” and “get_transient()”.
Custom login page and auth
Creating pages automatically with its shortcodes upon activating the theme with Post States.
Setting the home page automatically upon activating the theme.
Applying ajax in the frontend.
jQuery datatable.
Custom $wpdb query.
Server side validation.
OOP structure followed.
Kirki customizer framework implementation.
And many more.
Note: I can share the source code (github repository) upon request.
I have developed a complete full-functional online course selling platform using WordPress. I have chosen a Themeforest WordPress theme and customized it according to the company’s needs. I am regularly adding new features, fixing bugs, updating plugins, and everything I maintain alone. Furthermore, I have developed a custom core plugin for extending features for the e-learning platform.
What I have learned
Customizing a premium OOP-based WordPress theme.
Customizing Tutor LMS plugin.
Adding WooCommerce cart items similar to Shopify using Ajax.
Developing a complete slider for the home page with settings panel.
Building a customized topbar with settings panel.
On-page SEO.
Bulk students enrolling via CSV file. Tutor LMS does not have a bulk student enrolling feature via CSV file.
Speed optimization.
Maintaining a well-known e-learning platform for a long time.
I have developed a modern looking html template from scratch. I have implemented GSAP, ScrollTrigger library into this project. I have used HTML5, CSS3, jQuery, GSAP, 3D Text, CSS3 Animations
YouContent is a great tool to generate unlimited Youtube captions (CC) with different languages. This wordpress plugin is super fast so you will love it when use it. You can get unlimited unique contents to boost your SEO score, write reviews, sell content and many more you can imagine.
How this plugin actually works
This WordPress plugin is very powerful tool that using an external API which is built on Python. Python tool goes to Youtube using video id and check if the video has Captions CC, if yes then it scrapes all the captions and remove timestamps, join all words line by line and returns raw text.
What I have learned
Using Python library from github repo.
Making REST API using Python.
Deploying Python script on Heroku.
Fetching API data directly inside WordPress post editor (classic editor) via GET request.
Note: This plugin is no longer maintained. I don’t have the source code as well.